Thursday 16 June 2011

What's in My Letterbox Today

When I checked my letterbox today, I was hoping to receive the books I ordered from The Book Depository. It arrived and so did the above hanky which I was lucky to win from Gina of Threads of a Tatting Goddess. Isn't the embroidered pink roses just gorgeous?

Then it was a surprise package from Fox of Tat-ology. She sent me a lovely vintage hanky with an embroidered 'S', some pretty pastel beads, two turtle charms and a very lovely tatted cluny motif. I love them all.
Thank you both so much.


  1. What wonderful surprises! I can hardly wait to see what edgings and threads you use!

  2. I'm surprised Fox could part with the beads! I'm surprised she has any to part with as fast as she's been tatting them up! (very big smile)

  3. Lucky lucky you!!! We are not getting any mail delivery here in Canada!! But that also means no bills!! :))

  4. Hmmm, what about tatting all three gifted hankies (from Gina, Diane and Fox) simultaneously.
