Sunday 12 April 2009

Friday 10 April 2009

Jon's Quantiesque Snowflake

I really love this pattern by Jon Yusoff. Shall I tat two more and switch the colours of the threads? It should look slightly different, don't you think?

Thursday 9 April 2009

Lovebirds update

The finished nest on 5 April 2009

Bird nesting on 8 April 2009

Is this their first nest? The lovebirds are probably first time parents. They left an unfinished nest for a week. I thought they had abandoned the nest. But when they came back, they finished it off in a hurry resulting in a smaller than usual nest. I missed taking some photos and when I finally noticed, it was done.

Wednesday 8 April 2009

March 2009 Giveway Winner

The blue tatted heart in March's giveaway is going to TattingChic. Congrats TattingChic. Tsuru is asking you to watch for it in your postbox next week. To all who participated, come by to visit again soon, perhaps end of this month for the April giveaway.

Wednesday 1 April 2009

International Tatting Day

I learnt that today is International Tatting Day from Tattingchic. She invited me to her giveaway yesterday. Anyway, I wanted to share what I tatted last week. I saw this Quantiesque pattern from Jon and really love how it looked. I was very surprised how easy it was to tat this. I would encourage anyone to do this. It is most rewarding and looks just so lovely. Thank you Jon!

Play with the colours and you would be surprised how it turns out. I used two colours DMC Perle Cotton Size 5 in 915 and 500. I am already starting on my 2nd in different colours. Do try this, if you haven't done so already.