Sunday 19 June 2011

Update on Umi

Umi is feeling much better.
She now needs to put on the weight she lost when she was sick. Currently, she is about 3.6kg, same weight as Tsuru. Tsuru has been enjoying all the different kibble I bought to entice Umi to eat.

It has taken some time for Umi to recuperate from this illness. I did not give her the antibiotics the vet prescribed as Umi wasn't eating then, but I did give her the anti-vomitting, the bioenzymes and the antacid. For two weeks, she was also given the subcutaneous fluid therapy. How she hated it, but we had to flush her system as she was not drinking or eating. Umi did not have to stay at the vet and she was such a dear when she was there unlike the tantrums she threw at home. Who likes being poked and held down for 5mins while the fluid drips in. She protested but it had to be done.

I took this video just this afternoon. Umi is now a very lean cat. Umi loves this brush. See how she enjoys it. I put it through the chair's leg and adjust it to her height so that she can use it whenever she feels a need to. Tsuru on the other hand, does not care for this brush at all.  


  1. Wendy! What a joy! That video is so cute. So pleased to see that Umi is so much better. Now you just have to fatten her up!
    ♡ Fox :

    p.s. Give her my apologies, as well as a good tickle if I called her Tsuru in previous correspondence - I think I did!

  2. What a sweet video. She certainly does look like a cat who has lost a lot of weight, but I'm so glad she's doing better. She's lucky to have a mom who takes such good care of her.

  3. Oooh, the brush is very interesting! Is that from the pet section or just an ordinary scrub brush without the handle? Our cats would like it. They are constantly rubbin up against hard plastic...or our feet, particularly the toenails which is annoying. LOL!

    Glad to hear she is doing so much better!

  4. I'm very glad to see that Umi is feeling so much better! She surely does love that brush. Very cute video of her!

  5. Glad to hear Umi is doing better! She really does LOVE that brush! It's almost as if it has catnip on it!

    I'm curious how you loaded the video. It plays perfectly on my computer.
    Did it go directly from your camera or SD card into Blogger? It was fun to view it!

  6. You must be so relieved that Umi has recovered. So glad to see her happy again.

  7. Hi Fox, I forgot to tell you about Umi in my last e-mail so I thought I would post this instead. I did give both a chin tickle from you. They always love a chin tickle.

    Thanks Miranda. She has not gotten back her usual appetite but definitely eating and drinking now . . . and of course whining. She loves to whine, always asking for her bamboo leaves and cat treats.

    Hi Gina, The brush is a household coir brush. I bought this brand new just for Umi. It comes without a handle too. Notice she was checking it out as it was new. Her old one is on another chair. Sometimes I catch her putting her chin on it and she goes in circular motions.

    Hi Jane, Yes sometimes they just will not cooperate when you are trying to shoot a video.

    Hi Kathy, I could not load the video in the original format so I had to save it to a smaller format (e.g. for e-mail) and load it. I was surprised it came out quite satisfactory.

    Hi Annie, Yes I am. She is such a finicky eater even when she is her normal healthy self.

  8. What a lovely idea to put a brush for them to use when they want it, brilliant.

    I am so please to hear Umi is feeling better, I hope she continues to regain her weight.

  9. I'm glad she's alright! That video is absolutely adorable. She looks so much like my cat. Hopefully she's less bitey though! ^_^

  10. There are SO many "cat people" in cyber-tatland, it's really wonderful to hear all the empathy :-) And SOOO glad Umi is doing better! Yes, a wonderful kitty mommy who even bothers to take such a SWEET video and share it with us! "Chin tickle" ..LOL!... you guys are too funny!! ~Tatikan/Sher
