Saturday 18 June 2011

New Hanky Edging

I could not wait to start a new hanky edging. This edging pattern is from Sumi Fujishige's Tatting Lace on page 18. This pattern caught my eye. As the pattern is for an oval doily, I had to improvise the corner.  The thread is Venus size 40 Col. 107. The rosebud hanky was one of those I bought. I decided to tat onto the hanky to compare this method to sewing it in using the slip stitch. Initially it was a little cumbersome but I think this is may be my preferred method. 


  1. Sweet, Wendy! Perfect for this delicate hankie. You are so darned FAST! I do not know how you do it.

    I find I cannot tat the border on as neatly as I can sew it - and I really dislike sewing, but it works better for me. Great if you are able to do it all in one go!
    Fox : )

  2. Pretty, pretty, pretty! Very sweet hanky indeed. I shd try this method of attaching the edging for my next hanky. Need to go hunt for hankies now...

  3. What a SWEET edging! I think this is the way my grandmother attached edgings, also :-)

  4. Lovely hanky, beautiful edging... I'm really feeling the hanky love!

  5. This edging seems slower than the first one. I think it depends on the pattern. But I think tatting it in means when you finish the tatting the hanky edging is done too. Like Fox, I dislike the sewing in. I found out when I was sewing in the first one.
