Monday 30 January 2017

Five Generations

It is rare these days to have five generations living under the same roof. Some have three generations under one roof but it is becoming less common now.

When my grandmother was alive we did have five generations gather for Chinese New Year but not living in the same house.

My mom will have 3 generations gather this new year.  Hope you will treasure time with family no matter how stressful it gets.

Sunday 29 January 2017

Lion Dance

We were shopping at a local supermarket last weekend when five lions came walking by with loud drums and cymbals.  It was for the Lunar New Year blessing for a year of good luck and good business.

Saturday 28 January 2017

Friday 27 January 2017

Rooster in Chinatown

This handsome colourful rooster is part of the Lunar New Year street decorations in Chinatown, Singapore.

Most families will be gathering for a reunion dinner tonight.
Many travel a long way to go home.
For me, it is a 300km drive.

Thursday 26 January 2017

Tsuru's Vet Visits

A few days before Christmas, Tsuru had to visit the vet twice. She was passing blood in her urine. She had 2 blood tests, a urinalysis, an X-ray and blood pressure taken. After starting her on a course of antibiotics, 3 doses of anti-inflammatory and 5 days of Cystaid, she was better but not before she fought and scratched each time she had to take her medicine.

She is still picky with her food and only ate when it was topped with her treats. I have to get more canned food for senior cats. She is liking a particular Japanese brand called Miaw Miaw but it has to be topped with a Ciao liquid treat.

Wednesday 25 January 2017

Rose Mallow WIP (HMK 2)

This is only round 1. 
Already there is a mistake. 
The rings in between should have been Josephine rings.
Tatting this year is frustrating.
Perhaps I should leave it for now and continue later, . . . . . . like next month!

Tuesday 24 January 2017

Orange Bongbong v2

This is not my best work. I am almost ashamed to post this and 2017 has not been a good tatting start for me. This one is tatted in Venus Size 40 in yellow Col. 541 and charcoal grey Col. 486. Can you see the botched up ending.

Oh well!! I hope I can do justice to the next Ha Mi-Kyoung (HMK) pattern.

Monday 23 January 2017

New Year Lanterns

This was what greeted you at Suntec City Mall.
Pretty lanterns adorned with cherry blossoms and peonies.
We were there for an early dinner.
Browsed around and ended up at the supermarket grocery shopping.

Friday 20 January 2017

My Bougainvillea

This is my bougainvillea growing from my balcony.
I stuck my arm out and took a photo.
Pretty in pink.

Thursday 19 January 2017

Blooming Pigeon Orchids

When there is a dip in the temperature, 
the pigeon orchids will bloom.
The photos are not very clear but I hope you can see the white orchid blooms.
It was a pretty sight.

Wednesday 18 January 2017

Orange Bongbong (HMK 1)

This is the first pattern I tatted from the new Korean pattern book 'Tatting Lace With Your Life' by Ha Mi-Kyoung.
Tatted in Lizbeth Size 20 Harvest Orange Medium Col. 694 and Twirlz Blaze Col. 409. I miscalculated the amount of thread used so I had to add more in some places. It was a mess so I am going to try it again.

Tuesday 17 January 2017

New Year, New Tatting Book

Finally it is here.

The tatting book I wanted all these months.
The patterns are very pretty and I hope I will be able to follow. It is in Korean with diagrammed patterns. There are QR codes in the book for videos however they are also in Korean but we should be able to follow.

Has anyone else got this book? I know Carollyn tatted some beautiful doilies from it. 

Monday 16 January 2017

Happy 2017

It has been 15 days in but never too late to wish you a Happy New Year.

These are my fortune cats for 2016 (right) and for 2017 (left). Both are solar powered so the arms swings whenever there is enough light.

I hope 2017 will be a year full of exciting experiences. Wishing you all good health, good fortune and good tatting.