Monday 1 October 2012

Mooncake Tins


These are mooncake tins which I have collected through the years. I store all my beads and stones for making jewellery in them. I especially like the small tins. The usual theme of these boxes are lotus flowers, scenes of children with lanterns and Chinese ladies. These days mooncakes come in all sort of packaging including little chest of drawers, handbags, lanterns and unusual boxes. Link here to see more examples.


  1. Some of these are just wonderful! On the link page, I noticed one with little drawers!

    Oh, I am envious! I shall go to China town and see if I can find something similar. Surely I have not noticed something that has been here, in a very large Chinatown - 2nd largest in North America - forever! Let's hope!

    Fox : )

  2. They are beautiful and what gorgeous tins to keep beads in.
    Thank you for sharing your photos
