Saturday 6 October 2012

Janet Caroll's Edging #2 - WIP

This is for another hanky. The pattern is by Janet Carroll from her book titled Elegant Tatting Patterns. It is tatted in two rounds. Round 1 was quick to tat but it had a life of its own wanting to twirl and each time I had to tat into it, I had to do some un-twirling. I decided to try tatting in Size 60, so it is a little fiddly. It looks very delicate and I hope when attached to the hanky, it would be even more beautiful.


  1. It's very pretty. It reminds me of a MK pattern a little, which me? Lovely tatting!

  2. Funny, I just looked through that book trying to decide whether to continue the Laurel pattern - which I will.

    However, that is a very beautiful edging. I look forward to seeing your hankie.
    Fox : )

  3. Lovely edging, could you tat with two shuttles do a small bit of round one and with the second shuttle do round two before it twists up much

  4. You are braver than I am! Even size 60 intimidates me! This will look beautiful on the hanky.

  5. It's really beautiful and lacy!!! :)
