Wednesday 22 August 2012

Flower Dome

There were a variety of flowers besides the ones shown here. I saw blooms of begonias in many colours, roses, hibiscuses, sweet peas, lavenders, pansies, lobelias, foxgloves, geraniums, hydrangeas, camelias, trailing ivies, Oxalis, Impatiens, Clematis, Cyclamen, Clivia, Gazania, different succulents and cacti and many more. 

These are just some photos.
Kangaroo Paws
Olive Trees
Boabab Trees

Garden Sculptures

You can read about the history of the garden here and Margaret was right to point out that the design of Bay South Gardens, where the Flower Dome, Cloud Forest and Skytree are located, was designed by Grant Associates, a company from Bath, UK. Read about the design on their website here.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for putting a piece about the company, I only live 12 miles from them, They had a terrible time a couple of years ago when one of their staff was killed, so it's so nice to see they are getting some good press.
    Thank you for showing some of the pictures of their work it's been lovely to see what the gardens look like, we only saw a very small amount on the news.
