Tuesday 1 October 2019

Back to Tatting

I know it has been months. Thank you for your comments and concerns as to why you have not heard from me. Tsuru and I are just fine, although these days when Tsuru is not feeling herself, I start to worry.

No tatting done! I have not finished the Wiosna 2019. It is hiding somewhere and I have not had the energy to continue tatting it. I might have to finish the round I was tatting and call it a day.

I purchased these three Japanese pattern books hoping it would inspire me but it took a while before I tatted the above motifs. What are they to become? Perhaps a pair of earrings.

What have you been up to? Please do tell.
I have been gardening and collecting Pandora items.


  1. It's good to see a post from you again! I have the top two books, and I think they're wonderful. I'm still tatting Ice Drops, and I've added Curds & Whey bookmarks to my pattern addiction. You're ahead of me... I have not yet started Wiosna 2019, because I haven't finished 2018!

    1. Hi Diane, This pattern I tatted is from the third book. I enjoyed your ice drop pattern too. Your comment about Wiosna made me laugh. Thanks Diane.

  2. Nice to see you back. We all need a break sometimes.

    1. Thank you. How true! My break was just a little long.

  3. Great motifs!! :)
    Glad to see you are still here!!
    I have been tatting and living in a hotel between homes. The tatting helps keep me sane!! ;)

  4. I’m so glad to hear tatting helps. Moving house is stressful. Happy to be back to blogging

  5. So glad to see you back in action. Jane Eborall chides me for not posting to MY blog - so I understand completely.

    BTW - I got to meet Liyarra (Jenni) in September. She's fabulous!

  6. So glad to find you are again posting your lovely work, I check your blog every day. I have been using up my cottons by making bookmarks! All best wishes, Sheila H. BC Canada

    1. Hi Shiela, I am sorry you have not heard from me. Your fabric bookmarks sound interesting. Happy seeing!

  7. Good to have you back. Cute motifs. 😍
    I've stagnated for the last couple of months, but am enjoying designing 25 snowflakes as a countdown to Christmas -- as a project on facebook.

  8. Thank you. Wow, that sounds wonderful. I’m not on Facebook. Would I be able to see your snowflakes?

    1. All are on my blog 😀 Type 25 Snowflake Project in my search box. 13 (with multiples) completed so far, but some patterns are yet to be shared.
      My health didn't permit me to keep up my usual pace.

    2. Thank you. I will check it out. You are more than halfway through.

  9. Beautiful Pendants
    I am so glad to see you back blogging
    Love to Tsuru

    1. They could be pendants but they are small enough for earrings too. Glad to be back.
