Tuesday 17 December 2013

Stawasz Doily XVIII WIP

A size 10 thread was recommended in this pattern but I used Lizbeth Size 40 in Pink Marble (#172) and Charcoal Medium (#607). The skewed rings were more pronounced in the book which was a nice feature but it is not so in mine. I wonder why - the smaller thread or the colourway?


  1. I like the finer thread and I can see they are as the picture, it might not look so screwed up but I think I prefer yours. Am I allowed to say that?

  2. I noticed the same thing when I made several of these doilies. The design/skewed rings/spiral is more pronounced (looking) when you use a solid color, but the skewed rings ....I think it may have something to do with the way I hold the ring when I close it. If you experiment with lining the ends of the ring up before you close the ring, then pull it closed, you may find a way of closing the ring that helps the skewed rings show up better. I can't describe it very well, but eventually my skewed rings looked more like the picture in the book. Good luck and happy experimenting. ;-)

  3. hmmm I really had to look to see the skewed rings. It might be the colorway, but then again, it might be the size of the thread, as there is less difference in the stitches as the thread gets smaller. The difference between 2 stitches and 3 stitches will show up better in a larger thread than it will in the size 40.

  4. I think it looks beautiful! I've had to put this pattern on hold until I perfect making picots on split rings.

  5. Your doily is looking wonderful!!! :) What a great design!! :)

  6. Could it be because of the angle of the photo?
    But I definitely like your version with the finer thread better. It looks more lacy.
