Friday 26 July 2013

New Jan Stawasz Book

Received this book a few days ago. Fox and Grace T are definitely right - a gem of a book. Have I identified which pattern to tat first? Yes, but it has to wait until I finish my Windmills. Or I might tat it in between. If you have both books of Jan Stawasz, could you pick a favourite?


  1. Can't wait to see the beautiful things you tat from that book! :)

  2. No I can't pick a favourite, I got mine a few months ago, I did my first piece over the last couple of days, my grand daughter was looking at it today when she came over. She did not walk away with it, instead a tatting book on her kindle.
    I hope you enjoy the book and I hope to do the flower pot next.

  3. I have both of Jan's books. The first one is definitely MY favorite. That is a purely subjective opinion. The designs in the first one just catch my attention more. Then there's the little problem of his using Mary Konior's Queen of Hearts with a clover instead of a single ring at the tip in the second book three times before he finally gives her credit- this after his very long statement on his blot about how bad it is to pass another person's design as ones own- that would have to lower the second book to second place I. My mind.
