Friday 19 July 2013

Driving Home

It was a 3-hour morning drive from Kuala Lumpur back to Singapore sometime last month.  It was a little hazy but still a pretty glow from the morning sun. Little did we know that we were coming back to a week of very bad haze. 

Funny, thirty years ago the journey home would be in the other direction. It was a 5-7 hour train ride depending on delays, derailment and engine rosak (breakdown). In-house video channel was a novelty and on the train, I remember enjoying many videos of Madonna. No MTV on our TV channels then.


  1. 11 or so years ago we were suppose to fly into Singapore and take a bus to Kuala Lumpur for the World Orchid Conference. Unfortunately something came up and we had to cancel :(
    I wonder it that was the route we would have traveled. Lovely sunrise!

  2. Looks a nice straight road, funny how things turn around, have you still got that awful smog over Singapore

  3. Beautiful picture. I love sunsets and sun rises.

  4. Yes Marla. You would have used this same highway.

    Hi Margaret, no bad haze these days. It was only for that week which was quite bad. The air is clear now.

    Thanks mb duke. I was trying to steady the phone camera while the car was on the go.
