Wednesday 27 February 2013

Love in a Mist #2 Completed

but with mistakes. This is what you get when you are trying to tat and watch a foreign film on TV. Not giving tatting your full attention will result in this.

It is such a shame. Did not notice the mistakes until I was blocking it. I think I should correct it. Sigh . . . . . .


  1. Lovely mat what a pity of the little mistake, but there again it's unique to you, no one else will have a mat like it

  2. Looks amazing even with mistakes!!!! :)
    Love the colors too!!! :)

  3. ...its so beautiful...making mistakes is human...we are no machines;-))...

  4. I feel your pain! It is so pretty and yes, I see where you were engrossed in the film... However, it is a lovely piece and a pattern worth repeating... Or not! Love the thread you used.

    The only piece I have out in my place is a mignonette one I Tatted in bright colours from a Japanese book, I think, posted somewhere on tat-ology last year.

    Yours reminds me of it very much.
    Fox : )

  5. Really beautiful. I wonder if I would've noticed the mistakes if you hadn't told me to look out for them??

  6. It is beautiful and looks so much like the flower called 'Love in the Mist' aptly named. Still thinking about your previous post and the dozen roses!

  7. opps I meant to say two dozen roses!

  8. Well, in some philosophies, leaving a mistake or two in lets the devil out! Gorgeous doily!! Love the title too.
    Katie V in NC USA

  9. The colors look very good and bring out the pretty pattern in the mignonette. too bad about the mistakes.

  10. I loved what you all said here. Thank you. I am going to leave it and live with it.
