Tuesday 27 March 2012

New Project - WIP

Could it be another pattern from Ruth Scharf? This one is from her other book 'Occhi Neue Blatter'. Can you recognize which pattern?

I had to unpick a few times before I got it right. But it looks good now. I know I chose an unusual colour. I just hope it turns out pretty.


  1. Oh NOOO! Not another book! I just ordered the one with Frivole's peacock in it. I could not resist, after ordering and cancelling once!

    I am going to hold my breath to see what you are up to here!Fox : ))h

  2. I ordered that too! I bought both of Ruth's books!

  3. I don't have that book, but it looks like a kitty ear. :o)

  4. Another book I don't have have to go on this long wish list that seems to be growing longer every week,

    Not sure what you are tatting is it a baby's bonnet?

