Friday 9 April 2010

Triad (MK#37)

This is Yarnplayer's HDT called Nicobar Pigeon Size 30. The colours are so vibrant. The pattern looks like a heart but it is called Triad by Mary Konior in her book 'Tatting Patterns' on pg 76. I suppose it could also be repeated and become a doily.


  1. Love the colours and the Triad how unusual!

  2. or half of a 6 pointed motif. Guess the points are rounded tho. I'm glad you tell the page number. I was able to look it up which I did because I couldn't figure out what she had in mind with this one. LOL! I think it would make nice trim around a button on a placket. Maybe one on each side of the shirt?

  3. Oh, I thought that looked familiar! I was browsing through that book a while back. Yarnplayer has some cool colorways and Nicobar Pigeon is no exception!
    ~TattingChic ♥

  4. It's pretty. What are you doing with all of your lovely motifs?

  5. I don't know Paula. I just enjoy tatting.
