Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Happy Valentines

This is my one contribution of a tatted heart so I chose to post it today to wish you all a Happy Valentine's Day. I noticed some hearts these past few weeks in your tatting blogs.

This is a pattern called Regal Heart from Teri Dusenbury's Tatting Hearts book. This is tatted in Aktin Basak Size 50 in Color #328. I hope you like this.


  1. Happy Valentine Wendy. Your tatted heart is very pretty. Hugs Judy

  2. Oh, thank you! It's so pretty! Happy Valentine!

  3. Happy Valentine's Day!

    I recognized Teri's Regal Heart right away! A beautiful design, and ironically, one of the few in her Hearts book that does not use split rings. At that time (back in '94) I didn't understand what split rings were, so I was pleased she included this design - something that I COULD tat! Even then I found it a challenge. You have tatted it beautifully, and it looks great in red!

  4. Happy Valentine's, Wendy. This was one heart motif I was eyeing but didn't have time to tat yet. It's lovely.

  5. beautiful heart, Happy Valentine's Day

  6. Happy valentines day, beautiful heart

  7. Nagyon szép... nekem tetszik...

  8. Thank you for all your lovely comments. I don't knwo why I chose this particular one to tat. It just called our to be tatted.
