Thursday 25 August 2016

Unfinished Edging Completed

When I first started tatting edgings, I often did not know what it would end up as, so I would leave it unfinished. 

I found this one which I tatted years back. I no longer have any of the pink thread so I unpicked some rings and chains and joined it to the beginning. But not before I found some mistakes. There are still mistakes if you bother to look closely. I could edge or border a small oval pillow with it. The thread is Venus Size 40 in a dusty pink and a dark plum.


  1. It's very beautiful!!! :)
    In autumn colors I think it would look like maple leaves. :)

  2. Your edging is so pretty! It would look very sweet on a small oval pillow.

  3. So pretty it could even make a necklace.

  4. It's pretty. Looks like a necklace.

  5. It is beautiful at first I thought it was a necklace that would be nice too :)

  6. I do like those colors together. I look forward to seeing what you decide to do with your pretty edging.

  7. Looks lovely I hope you find something to edge with it,
