Sunday 30 November 2014

In the Mail . . .

I received the shuttles and the 'Aunt Ellen's Treasury Tatting Patterns' book in the mail days ago. This is what resulted. 

Thank you for the lovely shuttles, C. 

Here tatted in Lizbeth size 20 threads is the Daisy Heart. I might try it again in one colour. We will see. Tatting is a little slow these days.


  1. Adorable plaid shuttles! And beautifully tatted heart - perfect stitches, as usual. It seems to me you're still doing a lot of tatting!

  2. Very pretty and love the plaid!

  3. It looks fabulous!!! I love how you can see the flowers and stems and the heart!! :)

  4. Beautiful tatting and fun shuttles!
    I had to buy that book just for that pattern.
