Thursday 27 December 2018

Chamomile Doily 2 (LHO 13)

My doily does not look like the photo in the book because I left the bare thread gaps too large. But I love it anyway. Tatted in Lizbeth size 40 threads in Col. 605 Silver. This pattern can be found in Lee Hye-Oon's book Lovely Tatting Doilies for Spring and Summer on page 79.


  1. It’s beautiful! I do love that silver thread too. I have never mastered getting bare threads that wonderfully even - your tatting is lovely.

  2. I love this very beautifully done 🌹

  3. Those single-thread rings look just fine - like they are simply floating out there! Wonderful effect! And a perfect, round center! it must be so satisfying to do such perfect tatting!

  4. Beautiful. The bare thread spaces make it very light, wonderful.

  5. Thank you. I use a pivot gauge for the bare threads but I think they should be half the size for Round 3 so that the larger rings lie next to the small rings. Blocking helps to make the round centre. You can see that the rings in Round 2 are a little stretched. Imperfect but still pretty.

  6. The stretched oval rings actually add a unique and attractive design element! I think I would go a little crazy trying to block this to achieve the perfect round center! This is so beautiful to look at!
