
Monday, 13 December 2010

Bookmarks - Hearts

I have been busy tatting bookmarks as gifts. I tatted the hearts over the past year and have just been adding split ring tails and charms to them.

The above two are done using Birgit Phelps SweetHeart pattern.

These three are tatted using Teresa Woods Ombre heart pattern.

This is tatted using My Heart pattern by Eileen Stafford.

And this one is another Birgit Phelps' pattern called Li'l Heart.


  1. Very Pretty bookmarks Wendy. I love all the colors. Hugs Judy

  2. Those are very cute... love the charms added! That is an adorable idea!

  3. Lovely! Very good planning too, to leave the tails to another time. I like the charms at the tail end too.

  4. Don't know what to say about those! They are all so lovely: great colours and so nicely heartshaped and the tails and the beads, all so creative and well matching. Am jelous! I have those patterns but never thought of using them like this! GREAT, GREAT!

  5. Very nice! All are pretty, but especially that yellow and green one. Good idea to have these around as impromptu gifts.
    Fox : )

  6. very very pretty, every one of them are very pretty:)

  7. the heart bookmarks are way cool! love them.
