
Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Anya WIP1 (LHO3)

I thought I would photograph this with the book cover. Since my Flora pink threads were out of storage, I decided to do an ombre pink with the darkest pink in the centre, or not. Come back to see how this develops.


  1. It's beautiful i don't have this book yet💟

  2. Hello,

    I have noticed that you have been tatting some of my patterns from my two books, and I was wowed by your wonderful works. I appreciate that you are sharing your works with people through your blog! Thank you!

    Since you are starting Anya Doily, I just want to point out that there was a mistake for Anya Doily 3. I have corrected the mistake on my blog, as follows:

    Round 3 of the Anya Doily 3 pattern should read as follows: Ch 5-5-5-5-5-5-5.

    I am so happy to find you! If you have Instagram account and post your works there, please hashtag #lovelytatting. From time to time, I feature people's works for my patterns on my Instagram and I would love to include yours too.

    Nice to meet you and your friends here!

    Hye-oon Lee,
    Author of Lovely Tatting: Doilies for Spring and Summer and Lovely Tatting: Doilies for Fall and Winter.

    1. Thank you so much for visiting my blog. I have noted the pattern correction. Thank you. I hope more tatters will come to know about your lovely patterns. I love them.

  3. I am so happy to see that Hye-oon Lee has noticed your work! Her designs do indeed live up to her book titles and blog name: Lovely Tatting

  4. Hi Kathy, Thank you for your wonderful comments here and in past posts. Always happy to hear from you. I wonder if someone told Lee Hye-oon about it. I am indeed glad and hope I do justice to her patterns.

  5. I sometimes type my book titles on a browser to see that some images of my patterns appear. That way, I found your works of my patterns and read Kathy's comment when I visited your blog. I appreciate you and Kathy's nice comment!
