
Friday, 20 October 2017


These flowers were picked and made into garlands and funeral wreaths. Not anymore.

As a child, I remember that we were forbidden to pick these flowers. They were usually planted in cemeteries.

It is pretty planted by the roadsides now.
A Canadian friend once told me how beautiful it was when he saw them at Raffles Hotel.
It was his first visit to Singapore.


  1. Those are beautiful flowers and the perfume from them is beautiful,
    I have tried to grow one but failed, I don't think my house was warm enough for them.

  2. Frangipani grows in this part of the world too, though it's not indigenous. A very pretty flower.

  3. I love frangipani trees! I didn't know that they were cemetery flowers. When we were children, my sister and I used to gather the fallen blooms and, by turning back the petals onto the stem, we would turn them into "frangipani pies" for our dolls' tea parties. My daughter has a beautiful pink frangipani in her garden, I have my favourite white-and yellow. You can even get the sort which doesn't drop it's leaves.

  4. These are beautiful flowers. Interesting tradishion. Where we have winters long ago flowers were hard to find if someone passes away so drying flowers and ever greens were used. It is nice to have flowers available year round too
