
Friday, 25 March 2016


This camel pattern is by Dolly Hollander and can be found here.  I found it via Tatskool's post.  The round carpet covers its hump and I chose red and variegated blue Perle cotton threads for it. 

I found it easier to follow Tatskool's tatted camel for reference. There seems to be an extra ring in my camel's jaw. I must have read the pattern wrong.


  1. This camel is the reason I've not yet tried to design one. I mean, how can you beat this? Delightful and, as usual, beautifully tatted too.

  2. This little camel is wonderful!

  3. I tatted my first one in size 80 thread which was quite a challenge for me at the time. Dolly's camel is so cute. It makes a great addition to your collection of animals.

    I had to look closely at the original pattern to find where you had put an extra ring. Your finished piece looks like I expected a camel to look so I never would have spotted it without your mention of it.

  4. Wonderful camel! I've always thought this was a cute pattern. Looks great on the black background!

  5. I saw tatskools camel and also followed the pattern. I like your camel and the red carpet, Reminds me of the camel ride Vernon and I did in The Canary Islands, since then Vernon hates camels, I think I must tat this camel for him!!
    Looks perfect to me
