
Saturday, 4 May 2013

Flowers of Slippers

Another window display that caught my eye. Flowers galore. Now you can have slippers in every colour. Great for the beach and on rainy days. Reminds me that I have a pair which is handcrafted but not from here. When I find it, I'll post it.


  1. They've got quite an artist working for them. Beautiful display.

  2. What a lovely display, thanks for sharing it.

  3. I loved this photo and the slippers arrangement, so colourful! And I love your work in tatting things of course! Congrats!

  4. In England we call them 'flip flops' and they are only really worn in Summer, and primiarily on the beach. Love the display and the choice of so many colours.

  5. Someone is very creative to have put that together so beautifully!!! :)

  6. There seem to be many colorful and artistic windows in these shops in your area! An appreciation of color and whimsy! Glad you share them with us!

  7. Hello Wendy, Pretty neat flower slippers.. Love your Twirly motif.. the wall of bulbs was most interesting... Have a lovely weekend. Hugs Judy

  8. Thongs - in Australia, they are calledthongs! - and that particular brand is also VERY expensive. Ordinary old K-Mart thongs can be bought for just a couple of dollars, but they aren't comfortable at all!
    I have a bright yellow pair of Havianas.
