
Monday, 19 November 2012

Porridge at Home

Plain white porridge with dishes. This time, I cooked three dishes - Minced pork with black beans, ginger, garlic, soya sauce and sesame oil; Spinach (Amaranth) with garlic and pork cube; chai poh (preserved minced radish) omellette; and opened a bottle of pickled lettuce stem. Simple and fast to cook but quite appetizing.

I do remember my Teochew grandfather (aged 70+ then) who would drive to our house in his Morris Minor early in the morning to wake us up so that we can accompany him on his daily morning walks and exercise at the lake gardens. He would walk and exercise with his buddies and later take my sister and I for morning porridge. We usually had fish porridge with the eu char kueh (Chinese crullers).


  1. Of course I had to look up Teochew - and learned this is the dialect of the Fujiun people many of whom settled in the last century in Toronto. I love their food!
    Fox : )

  2. I love my porridge with exactly the same dishes too! Ooh, yum.
