
Friday, 16 November 2012

Gingerbread Boy Tat Along

IsDihara of Ambitatterous has a tat along in progress. The Gingerbread Boy pattern is from the Tatting Goddess. I have always wanted to tat this pattern and now is a good time than any. 

This first smaller boy was tatted in Lizbeth Size 40 #169 Autumn Apple Pie with white icing trim. The second one is tatted in DMC Perle 8 #841 with variegated pink icing trim. The second boy looks like he is running off because he was caught red handed eating a little too much candy. I miscalculated the rings on the body and joined the legs at the wrong ring. I did not add the beads in the tatting because I thought I would add them in later.


  1. he he. I rather like the 2nd Gingerbread Man, very true to the story.
    those are pretty colors. they are both very nice.

  2. I thought someone said there was a few mistakes in the pattern. Did you find any? I've always wanted to tat it but I'm terrible at following directions (its why I end up doing my own patterns)

  3. Both look brilliant, well done, I might get time to do the pattern after Christmas if its still around.

  4. Oh so sweet!!! :)
    I am trying, but I am confused by the pattern so far. I am continuing when I get time-this weekend is way too crazy!! :)

  5. Wow! Two finished already! I'm still hunting for the right thread to use! I think the buttons look great, too!

  6. To answer some of your questions, please look out for today's post. Yes, I did find some mistakes and I think a diagram would help.

  7. I accidentally deleted this. Sorry!
    Typstatting said "Your gingerbread men are really cute! "

  8. Two done already! And such handsome lil ginger men too! I am drawn to the Autumn Apple Pie guy, though this attraction is not meant to immune your work on "Can't catch me!" ginger boy.

    I have had a few troubling false starts with this pattern and stopped to attempt a diagram. So glad you completed yours so quickly. May I please get a PDF?

    Tuesday I will be posting my tiny snippet of progress on the first section of my first gingerbread boy. I still have a long way to go!
