
Saturday 30 June 2012

Spanish Cross

While browsing through Julie Patterson's pattern books, I thought this was an interesting pattern. It was an absolutely pleasure to tat. I took my time tatting this while watching Magic City and I thoroughly enjoyed both. This was tatted in Altin Basak's Size 50 in #328 (red) and 2351 (gold with metallic strand). I do recommend this pattern on page 13 of the 'More Crosses Than You Can Bear' book.

A joy!! Thank you Julie.


  1. That is a lovely cross, great colours, I don't have any of her books, which book is this pattern in, and I will put the book on my wish list


  2. ... and there it is! It is very pretty.
    Fox : )

  3. That cross looks amazing!!! And you chose wonderful colors to bring out the sun type designs!!! :)

  4. wow! that is a neat pattern. Never seen an other one like it. and your choice of colors works well.

    I need to find a way to get her books.

  5. Very interesting cross. It looks good in those colors, too. I haven't seen this book yet, I'll have to check it out.

  6. Wow, beautiful cross, a really unusual pattern. Bonus that it was a pleasure to tat too!

  7. A very pretty cross! I still haven't decided which one to tat from Julie's books - they all seem so appealing. I love the colors you've used for this one.
