
Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Beautiful Wisteria

I read on Pat's blog about the wisteria she is planting. I wish I had a garden where I could plant a wisteria. It takes years to grow and flower and perhaps will not do well in the climate where I live.

Wisteria is one of my favourite flowers. This specimen is wondrous! I would love to see a white variety.


  1. Believe it or not, I didn't plant the Wisteria. It grows wild in my back yard. It has taken over one or two of the trees back there. Beautiful never the less. Love your picture.

    Happy Tatting
    Arial - Tatting Faerie

  2. Yes, it grows wild all over here in the southern USA. And sometimes you see white in there - I think it's a mutation, but it's very pretty.

  3. Mine too! I adore this tree! So beautiful.

    Funnily enough, I have been looking all morning for an HDT that I thought was called Wisteria, and I cannot find it. To add to my frustration, I just I saw your post!
    Fox : ))

  4. I love wisteria too! And this year, I have the most bunches of flowers about to burst that I've ever seen - I can't wait for a bit or warmth so that they bloom. But you are right: I planted our wisteria about 8 years ago I think? And it took at least 3-4 years before it had any flowers on.

    I planted a white and a purple but I've not seen a flower on the white yet.

  5. Fantastic pictures. Lady Shuttlemaker's new book, Branching Encapsulation by Sherry Pence, has a tatted Wisteria Necklace. You could have your very own Wisteria to wear! I'm making it. Karen in OR

  6. Wisteria is a lovely flowering shrub, I love the colour and the white is lovely too. It takes years to get it to flower here in the uk, it's usually seen on the sides of houses here, usually thatched cottages.

