
Friday, 5 August 2011

Afternoon Coffee

Okay, I have been playing with the photo editor again. I thought it looked better than the original. This is a cafe overlooking the sea where a friend and I were having afternoon tea. This is what we shared with cafe lattes. A coffee ice cream creation covered with white chocolate. It was delicious!!

She would kill me if I showed you her photo. Long time friends whom you can still share things with are gold.


  1. Yummy Ymmmy that ice cream looks so lovely I could eat the photo.
    Thanks for sharing your photos of the cafe, wish I was there to share the ice cream.

  2. I love the presentation! Is that a sugared berry of some kind on top?

    BTW, I know that wasn't the hanky I sent you. It has embroidered scalloped edges so it must be from Fox or Diane!

  3. What lovely architecture. The building in the background flows beautifully.
    Glad you had fun with your friend.

  4. Hi Margaret, The coffee ice cream was smooth and yummy. The white chocolate added a nice crunch. A small serving perfect for sharing.

    Hi Gina, It was a sugared raspberry right on top. Yes, you are right about hte hanky.

    Hi HJ, It is a new buidling but in this photo, it could also be from the 60s.
