
Thursday, 24 February 2011

A Basket of Roses

This basket of roses is also for Judy. She loves roses and I realised I have not tatted this rose pattern for her. The rose pattern came from the Japanese book 'Tatting Lace' from Sumi Fujishige on page 10 and 50.

The basket pattern is from Tatting - Book #207 on page 18. It was not tatted exactly to the pattern as my spacing of the rings was all wrong. The pattern started with Row 2 and Row 1 was tatted last. In mine, I omitted Row 1 all together, one row had too few rings and another row had too many rings. But you get the shape of the basket. Sorry, the photo was taken before blocking. Weeks back Gina showed a lovely tatted basket. That was a really pretty pattern.


  1. Hello Wendy, Thank so very much for all the lovely tatted motif you created for me. Greatly appreciated. Hugs Judy

  2. Do you know that I just saw this basket pattern a few days ago? Well, noticed it is a better word since I've had the booklet for years. In fact, I have it set out to give the pattern a try. I like the way your version looks.

  3. Lovely little basket of roses! You are a good friend indeed!
    Fox : )
