
Saturday, 18 September 2010

Pastel Clover Shuttles

These are mine, mine, mine. I gave two away and kept the other three. And yes, I blinged them up.

I am currently using this brown one to tat.

These two (pink and white) are still brand new. Anyone wants to do a blinged shuttle exchange? I will exchange with the first two people to comment on this blog post. First person gets to choose which shuttle they prefer. In return, you can send me any shuttle (blinged/personalized).


  1. How did you manage to get these shutles I am so jealous I would really love one of these sets. You lucky girl. I would love to do an exchange with you but I am still in the U.S. on holidays and wont be home until late next week.

  2. If I am possibly one of the first two, I would love to exchange blinged shuttles!

  3. I love your pastel shuttles and I've never done an exhange with anyone . . .I'd love the white one. Any specifications on what type of shuttle I should add my bling to?

    Teresa (trhfox -

  4. I would love to do a blinged shuttle exchange, but I have no idea how to get started!

  5. I'll gladly exchange !
    Fox : )

  6. Gorgeous shuttles not yet available in the uk yet, I think. I would love to swap a blinged shuttle, either of the two shown would be wonderful.
    happy tatting Josie

  7. I'll do an exchange!!!!

    After all, I'll be sending you a package soon anyways...

  8. I would be interested in an exchange. Although I think your "bling" will be more exciting than mine. Count me in.

  9. Oh, pretty new shuttles! Love !
    Are they the same size as the other ones from clover?

    Tatting regards :)

  10. I only have 2 shuttles to trade for now. So Typs Tatting gets first choice and Happy Bluebird gets the other blinged shuttle. I will try to get more shuttles if you are still interested. Will keep you updated. You can bling your own shuttles using nail decals, painting, stenciling, glued on crystals, polymer clay flowers, tatting etc.

  11. Would love one or a set also, if you can get them. Thanks - Robert Kent, in northern Iowa. (rjkent at netamumail dot com).

  12. GREAT! I am happy to participate in this exchange - I will get 'blinging' right away!

  13. Great idea to blink them up. Thanks for sharing. I should have some fingernail blinkies left of birthdays of my daughters. Now have to search for them immediatley. But any idea how to blink up my needle for needle tatting *lol*
