
Saturday, 6 March 2010

PTG quilt block completed

Well, we could embellish on more but I think it is done. The Chinese character is 'shou' which means longevity. Four different pieces of tatting, all Mary Konior's patterns. Stitched the dragonfly in gold threads; Added a beaded star, a beaded rose and leaves, silk ribbon irises, more beads with sequins, milky white flower glass beads, green metal roses, a Chinese button, silk trim of black flowers, green ribbon buds and small yellow rhinestones.
Georgia should be receiving this soon in the post.


  1. Very, very beautiful!!
    Thank you for sharing the process too--a grand inspiration for those of us still working on our blocks.
    Won't this be an AMAZING quilt?!!
    Katie V in Creedmoor NC

  2. Your crazy quilt square is awesome!

  3. Super! she should be pleased...very!

  4. I am so lazy, I have to finish sewing my square! The tatting part was easy, the applique not so fun. Your's is lovely.

  5. Thank you all for your comments. I am quite sure the quilt will be very interesting when all the squares are returned to Georgia and joined up.
