
Friday 22 March 2013

Sally's Earrings

I made this for Sally for her participation in the Rose Arrangement challenge here. She just e-mailed two days ago to say she has received it. Hope she enjoys it. Tatted in white threads and Delica beads.

Gunhild, you have not sent me your address. Ellen, hope you received yours in the mail.


  1. Oh my, those are very pretty. You have such a talent for jewelry. Thanks for showing these. And Thanks again for the pair I received from you last year. I enjoy wearing them.

  2. They are so beautiful, thank you so much, feel very honoured to wear them.

  3. ... Oh sorry...didn't recognize to send my email, just looked at the three different designs of Roses in that post...
    that's so nice of you :))
    will send an email...happy tatting..,

  4. Beautiful! Where did you find the doodads?

  5. Yes, yes, i have received the so lovely pair of sweet earrings. Thank you!

  6. Thank you for your comments.

    Ellen, hope you enjoy them.

    Gunhild, yours will be in the mail on Monday.

  7. Sally, Glad you like them.

    Ladytats, happy to hear you enjoyed that pair.
